Around about 02/11/05 09:55, David Watkins typed ...
I'm very happy to reply, but I don't think I can add much to what
you've found out.
I'm running mythtv 18.1 and lcdproc 0.4.5, and I think I'm seeing what
you see.  That is, I can see the menu options, including track name as
I select it, but once the track has played for a few seconds the
display drops back to show only the time, when I'd prefer it to
continue showing the current track.

  OK, thanks, it's what I suspected.  I've actually heard from someone else
who moved to CVS, which fixed it.  That's a step I'm very wary of taking, esp.
in the Autumn TV season!

...  However once I get an AV amp there will be
a bigger incentive to try to make use of the LCD display.

  That's what I've set up, and was the impetus for setting up an LCD:  being
able to see the current track without having the TV on.

At the moment my display is of no real benefit, except for telling the
time and letting me know whether the fronted is running or not [ and
it looks a little bit cool].

  My intention is to cobble a perl script up that shows the backend HD temps
and free space, plus tuner status.  That's all icing on the music front,
though;  without that there seems little point buying the unit.

  Have to hope 0.19's not too long in coming :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rm -f .signature
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
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