yes, it does :(

I had it working on my KnoppMyth R5A16 and when the video started, I just dropped the session, and it worked ok.

I need to look into MythWifi, thanks for the lead.

On Nov 2, 2005, at 10:17 AM, Dave Sherohman wrote:

On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 09:39:10AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


this might help you get started;

You run the server on the MythTV box, in the same X Session that
MythTV is running, then run a VNC Client on the Laptop (Clients are
available for almost every OS).

Umm...  Wouldn't this result in VNC displaying the screen from the X
session in question (i.e., the show being played back) on the device
running the VNC client? (Or at least trying to... I can't imagine that
trying to send a gazillion X updates for real-time video would work at
all well.)

Seems to me that MythWifi is at least on the right track, although I
question whether the use of a web interface (as opposed to a native
client application) will provide close- enough-to-real-time control for
skip forward/back operations under all conditions.  Have to give it a
try and see how it works for me...

(Disclaimer:  I've used VNC servers running on Windows quite a bit,
but never the VNC server for X.  I'm assuming that a VNC client will
display the same thing as the X session that it's attached to, since
seeing the same thing on both client and server is kind of the point of
VNC, but I could be wrong in that assumption.)

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