On 2-Nov-05, at 12:36 PM, Tom Lichti wrote:

So you are using XFree, or xorg? I am using the Xebian setup that was posted a week or so ago by Dan Roberts (?) . That one is 2.4.13 kernel, with XFree86. I tried using your debs last night and ran into the qt-mt lib issue.

I'm running XFree, according to apt-show-versions it's xserver-xfree86/stable 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14sarge. Also, I have libqt3c102-mt installed. On top of that I have those packages I posted the other day and it all seems to get along.

When you say you ran into the issue, what happened? I recall having some trouble myself and taking a few tries to get everything to install. One thing I did was to purge mythtv-backend and mythtv-database. That removed the requirement for mysql-server which I purged. Looking over my aptitude log there were some other removals like lpr and firefox but I don't know if they were significant. At some point I managed to take out the last qt-mt dependancy and that cleared the way for the myth frontend and plugin packages.

I hope this is helpful. In any case I guess the point is it can be done, you just have to bang away for a while.

- George

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