>On 01/11/05, Marty Ravell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I started messing with my lirc config in order to get my serial
>> working and have somehow messed things up. Am wondering if these symptoms
>> ring bells for anyone.
>> If I use irrecord to build an lircd.conf file it seems to work. I can
>> it with irw and most buttons (not all) work.
>> For some reason if I use the lircd.conf file suggested in Jarod's (most
>> excellent) guide I get nothing.
>> This same suggested lircd.conf used to work fine before I messed with
>> things.
>> I don't recall exactly what it was I did when I was trying to get the
>> transmitter working. The box didn't start acting up until it was rebooted
>> (much later).
>> Any ideas where I start looking to track this down?
>> I've had a couple of goes getting irrecord to build a new file which will
>> work but it does not seem all that accurate. Some buttons just refuse to
>> work (1, 5, etc)
>Do you have all of your remotes defined in the same /etc/lircd.conf
>file? I have my actual remotes, and also the definition for my
>transmitter in the same file. Did you generate the config for the
>transmitter in normal or raw mode?

I did have both the transmitter and receiver configs in the same lircd.conf
file. Once it all went pear shaped however I reverted back to the lircd.conf
file specified in Jarod's guide so I could see if I could get the standard
PVR-350 remote working again.

To date I have had little joy in getting this basic config back up and

I know that the hardware is basically working since I can use irrecord to
generate a new lircd.conf for the Hauppauge remote. It works for about two
thirds of the buttons (and I figure could maybe be made to work for the rest
with some manual tweaking).

If I make a new config file like this using irrecord, put it in place in
/etc and then run irw I can see some button presses. This tends to tell me
that lircd is running and that the hardware is OK. 

Am stumped as to why the old conf file no longer works for this remote.


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