Mike Frisch wrote:

On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 10:26:17AM -0500, Myth Lists wrote:
Have I missed something or do they have pre-compiled packages hiding

You can do a 'stage3' installation which has precompiled binaries for
most of the base system.  See the installation handbook for details.

The whole 'advantage' of Gentoo is being able to customize it to your
system, hence the reason for compiling on YOUR system.  I lost interest
in that and have migrated all 3 of my Gentoo installs over to Ubuntu.

mythtv-users mailing list
I might try a stage3 install when I have some time. I run pure Debian on my main backend system. Was running Mepis and have tried FC4, Ubuntu and slackware. I have Ubuntu on my Notebook running without problems.

Too many distros -- I need to settle on one and make them all that way :)

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