On 11/3/05, Myth Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> >I'm a Gentoo user...
> >
> >I have Gentoo running two backend server, 4 frontend only boxes, and a
> >couple more PCs where I occasionally watch TV. I run Celeron, P4-HT,
> >Athlon and AMD64 systems. They all work great.
> >
> >I've been using Gentoo for a couple of years now. It's great never
> >having to make the FC1/FC2/FC3/FC4/FC5/FC6 jumps. Gentoo boxes are
> >always s up to date as you want them to be. No worrying about where
> >the next RPM is coming from. You just build code every so often.
> >
> >NOTE: I am not a computer scientist. I am not an IT guy. I do not
> >program. I can run Gentoo and so can anyone willing to invest a little
> >bit of time to learn how the system works. It's very a solid
> >environment with relatively few wrinkles.
> >
> >- Mark
> >_______________________________________________
> >mythtv-users mailing list
> >mythtv-users@mythtv.org
> >http://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users
> >
> >
> A little bit of time?  Don't you mean alot of time compiling?  I have
> tried Gentoo and the compiling of *everything* takes forever.  I have
> yet to find a pre-compiled install that at least gets me going with the
> basic xwindows, gnome and/or KDE.  I don't mind compiling some things,
> but even on my P4-3GhzHT, it would have taken several DAYS to compile
> KDE and its tools -- Have I missed something or do they have
> pre-compiled packages hiding somewhere??
> Norm

No, it doesn't take 'forever', but a distro like Gentoo clearly
benefits from a faster machine. I don't use KDE, but Gnome compiles in
a couple of hours the first time. After that it's generally just a few

NOTE: I changed my strategy on all of this over time. I used to build
every new thing that came out in portage. Now I only build new stuff I
want. In that way Gentoo is not all that different from a binary
distro. I build Gnome updates overnight and, to me, it's all done when
I get up in the morning.

But, granted, it does take a while. My Pundit-R frontend machines took
about a day to build, IIRC. I use fluxbox for those. However, they go
on working and working and working.

- Mark
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