Enough with the hostility, man.

Everyone here would be pleased if you got your system up and running,
Everyone here would probably be equally pleased if you just threw in
the towel and bought Sage or Beyond. Most of of all, everyone here
would be especially pleased if you quit complaining and attacking the
developers, and expended that same energy into improving the UI
instead of just bitching about it.

You've moaned a few times in a few threads, for example, that the FE
menus are confusing. They're all xml files. You can change them
however you want. This does not require months of studying code.

MythTV is not a commercial product, and does not depend on ease of use
or QA. If you wish to help, there are plenty of ways to do so.

Besides Myth UI issues, you have repeatedly complained about vi-emacs
'religious wars', 'flamefests' and other nonsense that really are not
part of this list or of this community. In fact, you are responsible
for the only 'religious war' I've ever seen on this list.

Most people involved in Myth realize that it is a product in
development, appreciate that, and are willing to lend their expertise
to help everyone involved. Most people are also able to recognize and
acknowledge when they have passed on invalid or out of date
information, or stepped over the line in particular instances. Most
are willing to instuct when they are able, and to accept instruction
when they need it.

Most people involved in Myth are also able to show a modicum of
respect for the project, and realize that insulting volunteer
developers is not very helpful to anyone.

In fact, a user list for a FOSS application that is as supportive, as
open, as helpful, and as active as this list -- that is a very rare
thing indeed.

Instead you have been posting disjointed laundry lists of personal
complaints, some of which are valid and some of which have nothing to
do with MythTV. Further, you have been harassing and belittling people
who have put enourmouos effort and time into making this software what
it is.

You continue to act and post as if the Myth develpers and community
owe you something because you have decided to pursue it. This is not
the case. If you need help setting up your video card, plenty of
people here can help. If you're having other problems that you can
succinctly and specificly define, plenty of people can help you.

No one here is asking for your blessing, and at the same time, no one
here will give you deference based on a claim of deep *nix
familiarity. What you are missing is a simple matter of respect --
respect for the fact that the code is in develpoment, respect for the
fact that Isaac et al have worked hard to make Myth what it is,
respect for the fact that many people have managed to work out, and
offer help on the problems that you find insurmountable, and respect
for simple human discourse.

I, for one, will welcome the day when some of your suggestions on UI
improvement become a part of the stable code base. Until that happens,
I've heard enough from you about how 'awful' the UI is. Can it be
improved? Sure. Is it awful? Absolutely not. I got it running. Lots of
other people have too.

I have wasted far too much time responding to you, so this will be my
last. At least until you learn how to describe problems that are
specific and fixable. And until you learn to show some respect.

Good luck.
mythtv-users mailing list

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