On 11/5/05, RDMathews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a perfectly working install of mythtv on a fc4 machine. I decided
> to put a frontend on another fc4 machine and link them wirelessly. the
> remote frontend can watch tv, browse the program guide, delete
> recordings, program to record etc, but it will not allow me to view a
> prerecorded show. mplayer will not run by itself on either machine, it
> just freaks out and quits when you try to open it. I can watch the
> prerec. shows with totem through an nfs share. I have no clue where to
> even begin to troubleshoot this glitch. any help would be appr.

Is the directory containing the recorded material mounted on the
frontend via NFS to the same place it is mounted on the backend in the
file system?
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