On 05/11/05, David Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list, I just built a Fedora 4 box using Jarod's guide which way
> passed my expectations, it's wonderful.
> On Fedora 4, the default hostname gets set to localhost.localdomain I
> needed to change this to my real domain/hostname, and did so using the
> mtyh howto instructions.
> So in the mysql database localhost.localdomain was changed to
> myth.beachside.com which is the fully qualified domain name. Is this
> what SHOULD be in the database or should it just be "myth" without the
> domain name?

If your hostname is likely to change, I would suggest using a custom
identifier for the machine. You can set this up in

> Also, the X11 enviroment variable DISPLAY is getting set to
> localhost:10.0 obvious typo I have made somewhere. I have grepped thru
> everywhere I can think of looking for where this is set to no avail.
> Anyone know where it is set?

If you're not explicitly setting it somewhere obvious, then no. Try
grepping for "setenv DISPLAY" if you haven't already. I'd check the
KDE/Gnome startup scripts.

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