--- David Whyte wrote:
> On 11/6/05, Ben Dash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Any advice?
> I can play Std Def at no more than
> 20-30% CPU, and all I have is a sempron 2400.
> My advice, use the nvidia drivers if you can.

Hardware MPEG 2 decoding is definitely the way to go
if it's an option.  Since the video card does all the
work you can use more or less any slow, and hence cool
and quiet, CPU.  I had a 400mhz PII at one point but
traded up for a 1ghz Celeron.

I found that if I run an xterm in the background and
run top in it then I get hardly any stuttering
problems.  The incidence of stutters go from once
every 10 seconds to once every 10 minutes.

Very strange.

Any idea why this would help?

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