Although the Yahoo portal for your Tivo is new, this feature, with the
minimum 1-hour in advance, 
has been around for a while at  Slowly, the canned and
subscription DVR's are 
listening to what people really want.  But I don't understand why they won't
just put a simple 
web interface on their own devices. 
MCE has a similar feature - logon to and schedule a recording, but
no remote access 
directly to your MCE from a browser.
Reasons like this are why we all love our MythTV.


The reason for the lack of a web interface is simple. As long as you are
forced to go thru a portal they are able to collect info on your viewing
habbits. This info can be sold or can be used to push targeted ads to your
web browser when you access their web site. Of course, I would never use a
PVR that did not have the ability to completely skip commercials or one that
allows the broadcaster to erase programs from my box so the lack of a web
interface is not a big deal. LOL - Its gotten so bad at my house that the
wife will no longer watch live tv just because the commercials are so

PS - Putting a unprotected web server on the internet is just asking for
trouble seeing how poor of a job most people do in keeping up with the
security updates.

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