Good stuff. Thanks for the info. Will be looking into nuvexport and dsmyth. I'm sure that I could put a script into the user jobs section and then just execute a nuvexport script for whatever recordings I want to watch over on the windows box. Myth sure was built with no end of possibilities. As a side note, I only use windows to game. However, if someone is watching something I don't want to on the TV machine, this will be useful to then use the windows machine to watch some things in parallel.

Niels Dybdahl wrote:

    So, there is the built in software transcoder in myth, and you can use
    that to transcode to mpeg4.  Once you do that, the files are named
    with extension .nuv.  Can you open and play those in windows media
    player (or any other player for windows like ati fileplayer for

Yes you can do that. But after transcode the file has a "real" .nuv "header"/envelope, so you need the dsmyth filter ( <>) to be able of using the .nuv file on Windows. In addition you need a MPEG4 codec on your Windows PC.

When you have transcoded the file to MPEG4, you can replace the header with the nuv2avi application (on Linux!), which without recoding creates an MPEG4 AVI file from the nuv file. Note that time stamps in the nuv file are lost, so you might get audio sync problems with the resulting AVI file, especially if you have the recording from a noisy source. The dsmyth filter and nuvexport to DIVX format are methods that handle the time stamps correctly in my experience.

Also note that the dsmyth filter is a "Direct Show" filter and not a "Video for Windows" filter. So with dsmyth you can use nuv files in "Direct Show" players such as Windows Media Player and ZoomPlayer, but you can not use it in Windows video editing applications, that require "Video for Windows" access to the video file.

Niels Dybdahl


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