I've searched the archives and found this mentioned
quite a few times, but never really saw any resolution
that seemed to match my situation (I use DataDirect,
not XMLTV).

I thought that I had read somewhere in an e-mail on
the mythtv-users list (which conveniently, I can't
find, nor could I find it in the archives - so, I
might just be mistaken) that the SVN version would
have the ability change the time offset on channel
listings.  I needed to rebuild my MythTV machine
anyway, so I decided to install SVN from today
(version 7800, I believe).

My situaton is that the cable provider for the
apartment complex that I live in uses DirecTV for
their cable system, and most of the channels (except
the local ones) are on Eastern feeds.  Most of the
listings in Zap2It are correct, but there are about 10
channels or so that are incorrect - the listings are
three hours ahead of the programming (so, for example,
something that the listings show will be on at 9PM is
actually on at 6PM).

In MythTV 0.18.1, I had manual recordings for shows on
the affected channels, specified by time.  I'd rather
not do that going forward, as it's a bit of a pain.

Zap2It was co-operative at first, but hasn't actually
changed anything, and won't answer my e-mails.  I'm
not very high on my local cable provider giving Zap2It
the correct information, but I do need to call them
concerning something else, so maybe I can get them to
do that.

Is there any way of doing this?  I did notice that
there is a channel ID in the channel editor, one thing
I have thought of trying is to find an alternate ID
number for the correct feed, I'm just not sure if this
is a recommended way to go about this.

Thanks for any help you can provide,

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