I'm running Mythtv ver with FC4 on an Dell Intel P4. 
   I run a scheduled recording (Letterman) M-F and automatically transcode.  Problem is that there is almost always a recording of the five weekly that is between 37 and 38 minutes in length versus the norm of 60 minutes.  I haven't tracked it closely enough to be sure but it seems to always be either the Thursday or Friday show that is short.

   Here is something odd (to me), Nautilus file browser lists all recorded shows as nuv documents.  If I highlight over one of these odd recordings, the file type changes from nuv document to MPEG video.  File size is 1.4GB, normal is usually a little less, say 1.2GB.  I ran this file through Avidemux thinking that maybe I'd see the lost content but did not.  However I did check the file properties and found that the odd file is different from the normal files. 

   Under Codec4cc the "short" file is MPEG while a normal recording is XVID
   "short" file audio bitrate  is 48000 bps/384kbps   normal file is 16000 bps/128kbps

   Any idea what is happening?
Don Lesniakowski
mythtv-users mailing list

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