On 09/11/05, Curtis Stanford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you using firewire? I'm finding that my DCT-6200 box spits out
> some pretty bad mpeg streams. I get a lot of errors like you are
> seeing on HD channels. The weird thing is, some channels are better
> than others. The HD movie channel and PBS are almost flawless. The
> network HD channels are full of crap, it seems. I get jumpy audio and
> lots of errors and prebuffering pauses on these channels.
> Curtis

I had a problem with flaky firewire streams from a DCT-6200, only on
certain channels, just like you describe.  It turned out to be the
coax cable to the cable box.  I replaced it with a new one and the
flakiness vanished.  The flakiness was only on a couple of channels,
the rest were totally fine.  Don't know if that's your problem, but
swapping out a cable is an easy things to check.

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