On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 02:29:42PM -0500, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
> >Positioning problems are more properly fixed by altering the modeline
> >timings to reduce the retrace delay.
>       Actually, they're more properly fixed by adjusting the monitor/TV
> so it doesn't overscan.

My new HDTV has no manual geometry adjustment capability at all.  It
has a "Perfect Picture" feature that automatically detects and corrects
for signal abberations or projection errors (size, position, keystone,
focus, colour, etc.), at least in theory.  It gives me a perfectly
adjusted image for every video device I own except when I'm running
Linux on the XBox, in which case the image is shifted down and to the
right by a significant amount.  The XBox looks perfect when running a
Microsoft game.  That would lead me to conclude that something about
the video signal generated by the Linux drivers is not only incorrect,
but far enough off the standard that the TV can't even correct for it.

I believe the nvidia in the xbox was a derivative of the geforce 3 which AFIK does not support overscanning in the driver.  You may be able to use a tool called NVTV to fix this, doing a search over at sf.net should produce results.

Devan Lippman <devan at lippman dot net>
mythtv-users mailing list

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