
I used the test script found here

on the Mobile Pentium 4 1600 MHz with Gentoo installed. THe script
completed in 17 seconds , with some apps running. Comparing this to
other reports, my 1600 MHz with Gentoo on it is as good as a  Athlon
XP 2600+ (Barton), 1900MHz with RedHat 8 on it, and  one second faster
than a Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1.80GHz with Debian on it.

I'm not saying that this is a true test of performance (I believe that
there is no such thing), but  at least in this case, the "myth" does
seem to have SOME merit. I should add that I have not spent lots of
time configuring stuff for speed, only a healty set of USE settings
and compiling for pentium 3 with -O3. No pre-linking (that I know of).

I should perhaps also add that these numbers mean absolutelly NOTHING
on a MythTV box. In my experience, HD speed is the bottleneck.. I use
the laptop for scientific calculations,  and that is a totally
different story. MythTV ( and even more so IVTV ) users should choose
Gentoo beacause of the flexibility of Portage.


On 11/9/05, Fredrik Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/5/05, Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The performance "improvement" is pretty much a myth (no pun intended).
> > The beauty of gentoo is in it's package management and flexibility. The
> > conventional wisdom at present seem to be that you might notice a
> > performance improvement on very low end hardware, but on modern
> > hardware the performance difference alone is not worth a pinch of s***.
> >
> > portage and the ebuild system are very lfexible and IMHO ideal for a
> > moderately experienced linux user to build a myth box with. Its not a
> > religious war though.
> I agree. Gentoo should be used so that you would not have to worry
> about the current maintainer of some binary package somewhere
> uncluding the specific options you would want to have in a specific
> program. I have > 1 year experience (each) with Debian, Mandrake and
> Red Hat, but I'll have to say that I have had less problems with
> Gentoo than any of the others. (I have used Gentoo for 2 years now, I
> think.. don't really know exactly..)
> I know that the kompile time is annoying but there are binary packages
> in Gentoo too, and you'll have to weigh the compile time in installing
> the thing against the swearing that will go on when you realise that
> the revision information on some package you installed from the 'Net
> does not worka and will cause you to have to uninstall loads of
> packages and then reinstalling and re-configuring them.
> Sorry about the rantish post, but I got a flash back of past temper
> outbursts.. :-)
> Choose whatever you like and accept the downsides.
> /Fredrik
> --
> My Gentoo + PVR-350 + IVTV + MythTV blog is on

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