On Sat, 12 Nov 2005 07:35 pm, Marty Ravell wrote:
> I had already done that prior to your post and tried various patches that
> were suggested. Am damned if I can get a working script though.
> Is there one referenceable spot where we can get hold of a valid script?
> Anybody out there have a ninemsn script that works or a set of steps for
> patching one that will work?
> Does anyone on the list have a workable ninemsn script that pulls Foxtel in
> Sydney? I would assume that this will get onto the immir site at some
> stage.

Attached is a version for Foxtel data.  Not sure if the times are for your 
region (should be) and I don't use Foxtel data.

> Maybe its time I got around to learning perl. I hate this being on the
> receiving end of other people's work without being able to contribute.

Perl sux.  Python rocks.


Attachment: tv_grab_au.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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