On Sat, 12 Nov 2005, Chris Ribe wrote:

The component inputs on most HDTV monitors use the YPrPb color space, which
is different than the RGB colorspace used by a D-sub (VGA) in/output. The
electrical conversion between the two colorspaces can be done using analog
circuitry, but it isn't something as simple as cutting open a cable and
soldering on new connectors.

... but it could be if one could phony up a fake Xv mode. No reason why RGB can't be used as generic D/A outputs and spew raw YPbPr data from the MPEG stream to them. Any card with sync-on-green could potentially do it. Technically, bipolar sync would be required for anything above 480i/p, but I bet that most HDTVs would work with the unipolar sync.

Something I've been meaning to try but havn't had the time (and I can't code for crap).



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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