I just got my PVR-150MCE card and am getting into configuration. I'm a Myth newbie, but fairly conversant in Linux. All is going well thus far, but I have a few questions about capabilities.

The 150 has both a coax-in to the tuner and an S-video in. I plan on using the S-video input for my VCR (to capture my videotapes of my daughter, eventually to edit them and burn to DVD), and the coax input to my cable.

Understanding that the different inputs all feed into the same hardware decoder, I know that the tricks that you can do with multiple cards or a PVR-
500 (like picture-in-picture) are out, but:

Is there an easy way to switch the inputs from the cable-in to the S-video in without going into mythtvsetup?
Change channels.

If I were to do it from the command-line (using ivtvctl -p) would it trip up Myth?
Myth will undo it when you start the recording in Myth. You /could/ start recording some regular channel in Myth and then switch it, but why not just do it right...

I'd like to work out a convienient (1 click) way to switch between the "recording my home videos" purpose an the "TIVO-ish" primary MythTV purpose. That way I won't have to document a complex multi-step process for my less geek-inclined family members.

(It would also be cool to be able to watch live TV and flip back and forth between the channel the PVR-150 tuner is on and the channel the VCR is tuned to.)
You just need to create a new video source and assign it to a channel. Lots in the archives about this. Search on VCR.

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