I have gotten XvMC working on my Athlon 64 with an nVidia 6600LE.
However, it wasn't easy, basically, I do a brute force hack to beat it
into submission whenever I start up my X Session.

First, when compiling Myth, force it to compile against libXVMCNVIDIA,
I've had nothing but trouble with libXVMCW.  This requires modifying the
"if" statement around line 1699 of configure (talking v0.18.1 here).
You might need to do "ln
-s /usr/X11R6/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.so.1 /usr/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.so" for this
to work properly.

Recompile MythTV, go into TV Options and select the option to use XVMC.
Playback a video and prepare to be disappointed (at least I was).

Why is this?  Because it couldn't open up the video properly.
Apparently it gets some access denied issue (I'm at work so I can't get
the exact output right now).  Here's what I did to fix it.

Create a two frame mpeg movie using mencoder.  It's important that it
have more than one frame.  Two seems to work quite well.  Then, I made
sure that my version of mplayer had xvmc support with it.  I had to
recompile it for that (using Ubuntu Breezy).  Then, I had my startup
script for mythfrontend execute the following script:

# bang away on XVMC until it works
for x in $(seq 1 100); do
LINE=$(~/bin/mplayer -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc ~/bin/fix.mpg -ao none 2>&1 | grep "End of file")
        if [ "x$LINE" == "xExiting... (End of file)" ]; then
                echo "Took ${ROUNDS} tries to succeed"
echo "Unable to initialize xvmc"

I wonder why I didn't think of that...

Where fix.mpg is the name my little two frame mpeg file.  This
essentially tries to run Mplayer 100 times on the little file.  The
first time it actually succeeds and plays it, it stops.  The reason is
because I notice that once I actually had XVMC working, it would just
keep working for that session.  Thus, by beating XVMC into submission
when I first start, I'm good for XvMC on MythTV.  Usually it takes about
3 or 4 tries.  Once it took 15, but that's the most.  This script
automates all that, and makes it transparent.

If I have a DVD and want to extract the first couple of frames to generate a fix.mpg, what is a simple mencoder command line to do that? That would make life a lot easier than trudging through the mplayer man page...

Thanks very much. That's the most informative answer I've gotten all over the internet.

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