On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:13 am, Yemu wrote:
> Dnia wtorek, 15 listopada 2005 22:04, Richard Jones napisaƂ:
> > I can't figure how to record LiveTV. The online docs suggest that hitting
> > "r" will toggle it, but doing so just displays 'Recording ""' in the top
> > left of the screen for a few moments. Nothing appears to be written
> > anywhere. If I'm in browse mode, the message that appears (written over
> > the "Browse" text) is "Record" and it stays until I hit "r" again.
> > Nothing appears to be written anywhere though.
> i also have the similar problem :-( hitting "r" makes nothing... and i
> checked "watch recordings" - there are only scheduled recordings there

This is what I see too.

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