> [---/usr/local/bin/change_channel.sh---]
> #!/bin/bash
> perl /usr/local/bin/MyBlaster.pl $1

Its good to see that my scripts are still getting used. I just wanted to add
a note about starting the script. You do not need to call the script from
with a shell. Just put:


in the script field for that capture card. If you need to use options:

/usr/local/bin/MyBlaster.pl <option> <option>

Mythtv will append the channel number to the end of the string and will call
the script shell itself. No need to double shell the thing. Also will give
you a noticable speed increase when changing channels.

PS - I should have time this winter to pull the learning mode code into the
origional command set and will release an update.  Check sourceforge for the
latest version which is currently 1.4.1

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