Martin West wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 18:27 -0500, Chris Pinkham wrote:
>>Do you at random times go to your coworker's computers and take pieces of
>>code they've been working on and compile them into your programs and put that 
>>into production use without asking or checking to see if there are any 
>>side-effects in their code?  That's what you're doing if you just "svn update"
>>without reading the lists to see what's working or not working (whether 
>>or not) at the time.
>yep, I work on the andromda open source project and the public cvs
>always works, or if it doesnt it gets fixed pretty quick. If its not for
>public consumption dont publish it to the public. 
Generally, in open source, there isn't a distinction between 'public'
and 'developers' other than in ones head.

CVS isn't 'published'.
It is 'available'.

Just like, say, motorbikes.
If you get one of them without knowing what you're doing you'll quite
possibly hurt yourself.
Here at least you only hurt your PC (unless your family are already
addicted in which case I don't think anyone can predict what will happen!)

It's true that different projects apply different rules - maybe
Andromeda does have a public stable cvs and a private version for the
'dev crew' that the public may or may not be able to access. MythTV doesn't.

Read the packaging... then read it again slowly. Hint: Myth's packaging
says you need to subscribe to the dev+commit lists (and actually read
them) if you play with CVS.


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