I've been running MythTV for about 4 months now, and I'm pretty much sold.  Most of my friends are too.  I picked up an InFocus ScreenPlay 5000 last night, which runs at a native rez of 1280x720.  I've also got a regular 17" CRT monitor, for when I don't feel like watching TV on a 6-foot-wide screen.  I'm driving both through the standard VESA output, but *could* get a DVI cable if necessary (for about $40).
My myth system is running on a Pundit-R w/ ATI 9100IGP chipset on FC4.

So, my question is:
I need to set up a modeline to drive output at 1280x720.  Has anyone set this up yet, and either has one, or can point me in a direction where I can learn more about this?
2.  Since the monitor & the projector have different ratios, I don't expect the CRT to take to a 1280x720 too well.  Is there a tool that I can use to easily change resolutions (preferrably with a hotkey)?

Thank you!
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