On 11/17/05 08:43, Jacob Steenhagen wrote:

On Wed, November 16, 2005 2:07 pm, Michael T. Dean wrote:
You're right.  Actually, it's in 0.18 (and 0.18.1 and 0.18-fixes).  I
didn't look closely enough at the date.  So, basically, it means that
you just didn't see the setting in setup.
I still didn't see the setting in mythfrontend, but I modified the
database to set that setting and the enable ouptut option to "1". Upon
restarting Myth, it worked. Thanks :)

Utilities/Setup|Setup|TV Settings|Playback

page 5, "Hardware Decoding Settings" in a checkbox at the bottom of the page. It's only visible if you select "Use the PVR-350's TV out/MPEG decoder." (You /do/ have this checked, right?)

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