Brad Fuller wrote:

Chris Petersen wrote:

I did. Doesn't show me anything even with --showprogress (I removed the 2>&1) I assume that it's sitting there waiting for ffmpeg to pickup the audio and video streams from the tmp dir. Does mythranscode create the audio and video fifos in a tmp directory?

the "waiting for mythtranscode to set up fifos" (which was the last thing you said nuvexport printed before failing) comes from nuvexport, and means that mythtranscode has not yet created the fifo's in the tmp dir. It won't start ffmpeg until those are created.

Or have you moved on to a completely different error?

no, not a different error. But, look at this:

Now encoding:  The Office:  Performance Review
Encode started:  Thu Nov 17 15:10:58 2005
First pass...
Waiting for mythtranscode to set up the fifos.
Starting ffmpeg.
processed:  0 of 53820 frames (0.00%),   0.00 fps
ffmpeg finished.
processed:  0 of 53820 frames (0.00%),   0.00 fps

ffmpeg died early.Please use the --debug option to figure out what went wrong.

To me, this looks like there's something wrong with ffmpeg. Hey wait a minute, Why does -4mv do in ffmpeg? I don't see it in This is the 1st pass --debug:

$ /bin/nice -n19 ffmpeg -y -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -i /tmp/fifodir_4835/audout -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 480x480 -aspect 1.33333333333333 -r 29.970 -i /tmp/fifodir_4835/vidout -aspect 1.33333333333333 -r 29.970 -deinterlace -croptop 10 -cropbottom 10 -cropleft 10 -cropright 10 -padleft 2 -padright 2 -s 620x464 -vcodec xvid -b 960 -minrate 32 -maxrate 1920 -bt 32 -bufsize 65535 -lumi_mask 0.05 -dark_mask 0.02 -scplx_mask 0.5 -4mv -part -pass 1 -passlogfile '/tmp/xvid.4835.log' -f avi /dev/null

So, to answer my own question, -4mv is a switch in the file. (and

What is the -4mv switch for?
There is no -4mv switch in my ffmpeg. (there is a -mv4, though)

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