I tossed in the 2 ATSC-720 modelines from the linuxis.us link, and it came up first time.  Luckily, the 2ndary monitor I'm using, a Viewsonic E771, will do 1280x720 as well (though the desktop appears a bit smashed), so I don't have to change resolutions when I don't want to use the projector.

The only problem I had was locating the setting in KDE that determines the desktop size, and getting rid of that infernal virtual desktop (great @ work, bad on myth).  Now, I just need to get the KVM switch hooked up so I don't have to swap monitor cables, and tell myth that it's running in a widescreen mode, and the ladies will be all upons.

Thanks to all for the help!  I'll be pushing out a short review of the infocus screenplay 5000 onto my website.  First blush is that it looks great, is reasonably quiet (once it's started up, on boot the fan is pretty loud).  Feeding it DVD video, played through Xine looks fantastic, the colors have great depth, even when projected onto a sheet.  Regular TV through myth isn't as spectacular, but my cable co. doesn't provide good signals.  Blacks are deep, and I'm anxious to receive my pull-down screen and really see what it can do.

'mythtv on a pundit-r'  or 'the pundit-r doesn't like SATA and PATA, and Asus won't help you'

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