Axel Thimm wrote:

On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 01:51:12PM +0000, Jules Gosnell wrote:
Well - I guess we are down to binary chopping through the SVN diffs between 113 and 114 then.

Hm, the changes include cvs->svn :(

Is it simply a matter of picking up the src RPM, installing it, cutting half the patches out of the file, building, testing and reiterating until I find which patch broke it ?

I'd get the latest svn for the stable branch and try a local build. If
you find that this breaks go back in time. A binary search might
reveal the svn commit that broke it.

Alternatively you could just check the current code as to why it
breaks vld.
I've pulled HEAD out of SVN according to instructions on the myth site - but its building 18.0 libs instaead of 18.1 and they do not seem to be symbol-compatible with other 18.1 libs... - plus it takes my box all day to compile - binary chopping would be a very tedious business.

How about getting hold of the 113 and 114 src RPMs, locating the file where it all happens and diffing the two ? That's got to be the easiest route - then I can patch 114/115 from 113 and confirm...

Only trouble is that I cannot find 113 and 114 src rpms on - do you archived copies anywhere ?




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