On Sunday 20 November 2005 2:37 pm, Justin Hornsby wrote:
> Right.  New screenshots at 
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/justin.hornsby2/images/new/
> And there's a new archive here: 
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/justin.hornsby2/images/new/ProjectGrayhem.tar.bz2
> Changes: put some colour back in the watermarks, moved an arrow in the 
> recorded programs menu and took some of the excess blue out in other areas.

*Definitely* an improvement, IMO. Although I wouldn't object to even more color,
especially in the top bar area. Here are a few suggestions:

1.) Perhaps the color could carry over to the icon in the upper right?
2.) Colorizing the MythTV text might not hurt either, but I wouldn't know
    what color to make it.
3.) The Information icon could use some color
4.) The Watch Videos icon could use some color
5.) I think the Music icon looks fine, but it's also grayscale. Unless you've
got a colorful car audio speaker, I wouldn't really know what color to
make it. :) Maybe a wood grain around the speaker?

Bugs I noticed in this version:

1.) I see a bar at the top that says: Showing: All  <lots of space> Time 
    I've seen this with other themes too, so I hope it's not my install causing
    the problem. I don't think Blue is effected though. If anything it would be 
    nice if this space would reflect the actual status of an upcoming recording 
2.) While this theme does differentiate colors of programs in the Upcoming menu
with these statuses:

Previously Recorded (grey )
Earlier Showing     (grey )
Recording           (red  )
Later Showing       (white)

It seems to lump the following into (yellow):

Will Record

I think Will Record should be green or some other color.

3.) Home->Manage doesn't place the manage icon in the upper right. It keeps the 

I really like this theme! Frankly, I think this is the only theme I might 
use besides Blue. It's sophisticated, high quality, and visually attractive. 
best is that it has a decidedly grown up feel to it. Blue feels a bit too 
to me.

Infuse it with as much color as possible, and I think you've got a killer theme 
your hands. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin
mythtv-users mailing list

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