>  Currently I use the built in stretch mode on my TV to stretch 4:3 to 16:9.
> It does a nonlinear stretch so the edges of the picture are stretched more
> than the middle.   Windows MCE has this feature too.

Yeah.. don't bother trying to get X to do this.  X is a linear beast..

I have this mode on my 16:9 Sony and I love it as well.  You loose
just a tad of the top and bottom of the image (5 or 10 scan lines) and
the non-linear stretch fills the screen with the rest.

I have a similar setup as you do (myth, 9A60, 16:9 TV) and
accomplished the same thing for my TV by using an alternate standard
NTSC mode to send Live TV to the set.  The TV is configured to
automatically show standard 4:3 signals with the non-linear stretch,
so my tv and cable look almost identical.

I can see how this would be hard to do in software because you'd have
to be scaling every frame in a way that's more computationally intense
than just stretching or zooming linearly.  I'm pretty sure it could be
done on faster processors, though, or maybe with some non-linear
OpenGL scaling or something.

Eric Ladner
mythtv-users mailing list

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