On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 04:34:02PM -0500, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> From programs/mythfrontend/customrecord.cpp:
> First Episodes (complete example for Data Direct)
> program.previouslyshown = 0
> AND program.programid LIKE 'EP%0001'
> AND DAYOFYEAR(program.originalairdate) =
>    DAYOFYEAR(program.starttime)

Just tested this and it doesn't appear to work correctly with
my DataDirect feed.  It matches, e.g., an 11/25/2005 of "The X's"
(which I recall seeing listings for in the past) with Original Airdate
11/25/2005, Episode Number 105, program ID EP7917570001.  As I read that,
it's the first showing of the fifth (or sixth) episode of the series,
not a first episode.  Would it work to look for episode number 101
instead of the programid or is that style of numbering just common,
but not actually standard?

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