On Tuesday 22 November 2005 22:41, Dan Christian wrote:
> On Thursday 17 November 2005 09:57 am, Steve Adeff wrote:
> > So I could
> > A) buy a video card with an HDTV output chip and use that
> I've got a NVIDIA 6600GT which has HDTV output support, and I still can't
> get a usable 1080i signal.  It will put out 1080i, but the picture jitters
> up/down (like the interlace isn't timed properly).  It's unusable.  You're
> eyes start to water after a couple minutes.
> I tried two different TVs, and both act the same way.  Both the component
> outputs and DVI act the same way.
> This is from Fedora 4 with the current NVIDIA drivers (as of 4 months ago).
>  I can do 540p or 720p fine.  Note that not all sets that support 1080i
> will do 720p.  The 720p signal has a higher horizontal refresh rate and my
> Panasonic can't display it.
> Stick to progressive.  It will save a lot of headaches.
> If anyone has gotten this to work, I'd love to have the modeline.
> -Dan

if its truely using an HDTV output chip then the modeline won't matter, just 
the TVOut settings for the nvidia driver.

Have you fed a 1080i signal to your TV with another device?

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