Lee wrote:

My humble apologies for including a SVN version in R5A22.  It was a
mistake.  This has been rectified alnog with a few other small fixes.


Been wondering if I should post this or not, so I'm posting with the hope that perhaps it's possible to "head off some problems at the pass." Should someone mention the
   a) danger,
   b) issues, or
   c) proper approach (including downgrading the DB Schema)
of "upgrading" from R5A22 to R5A26? (Option c being the ideal.) Going from anything before R5A22 to R5A26 isn't a problem, but those users who upgraded to R5A22 have a database version (somewhere at or after 1095) greater than that expected by R5A26 (probably 1083) and are likely to have problems with an upgrade to R5A26.

OK... for the sake of argument, lets say I wiped my R5A22 install and installed R5A26 from scratch... but then restored the mythconverg database from A22 into my A26 install... Am I screwed?

The restore probably won't work right. You'll have to edit the restore script to deal with things like basename and progstart and progend columns in the recorded table (although it's possible MySQL will "do its best with what it's got"). Probably many other similar issues.

Then, once you get it working, you'll need to rename any recordings that use the new filename format (i.e. chanid_starttime.{nuv,mpg}) to the old filename format (i.e. chanid_starttime_endtime.nuv).

And then you'd have to take care of any other issues that I haven't anticipated...

So, in all, it's probably more work than it's worth.

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