> >possible to compile and install the SVN head so it would be able to
> >coexist on the same setup where I got the 0.18.1 stable working?

> I installed one to prefix=/usr/local/mythSVN and the other to
> prefix=/usr/local/mythSTABLE. I then have a script that removes and
> recreates symlinks to /usr/local/myth as required - this way I don't have to
> change the PATH for the mythytv user

so you added /usr/local/myth/bin to your $PATH?


> I do have to re-run ldconfig after the
> symlinks are set up to make sure the libraries are referenced OK.

What if you had two user accounts: "stable" and "svn" and their $PATH
pointed to /usr/local/mythSTABLE/bin (mythSVN respectively) directly?
That would save you the ldconfig, I guess.

But then, I'd have to make sure that the gdm startup and backend startup stuff was using the same PATH, for me it was easier to build 0.18.1 and latest SVN and then, using the symlinks, I was guaranteed that I was using the latest libs. I also had all sorts of problems when the shared loader could see both libraries. Now, I just run a script "mythswitch SVN|STABLE" and all gets reset.

Pity I got the 0.18.1 installed to /usr/bin. I cannot unsymlink that
path :-) Now I would have to rely on the precedence of /usr/local/bin if
PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH. However, if myth keeps the same names for all
binaries this *could* work. What do you think?

Build 0.18 from source and install in /usr/local/mythX - once you have everything working, remove the relevant files from /usr/bin, /usr/lib, etc. - ie, do a manual unistall. You will find these files in /usr/local/mythX/bin, lib. You can rely on PATH precedence for the binaries but not for the shared libs.

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