On 11/26/05, Shardayyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have actually tried removing the LIRC package that was part of FC4 and am not sure if I got it all. Can you please give a simple command that would do that for Fedora Core.

Simple?  No, not strictly simple.  As I remember, I had to use the --force option of the rpm command.  See the man page for rpm.  After issuing the command, I seem to remember that mplayer didn't work, UNTIL I had successfully installed LIRC.  But this is all from memory, I can retrieve the notes if absolutely necessary.

Also I was only able to get theses buttons to work (up, down, left, right and the number buttons) and while these buttons work, they seem to repeat 4 times for every button I push.


Any help would be appreciated.

As noted above, I can go through the log books for the MythTV systems and extract the notes.  But, I'd rather not make that effort, preferring instead to try to answer specific questions.

Here are some of the other things needed to get the ATI Remote Wonder working.  Remember that most of these items are part of the LIRC package, but you have to copy some files to the right place(s) for your particular system.

You will need a file called "/etc/lircd.conf" that matches your ATI Remote Wonder.  Most of the time, you can use one of the files in the LIRC package.  But, you can also use irrecord to make your own file, one that you absolutely know will match.  To use irrecord, see the man page for it.  The man page is pretty good, but I'm not sure how clearly it states that you have to stop other programs from running while you run irrecord.  Also, irrecord requires one specific device, /dev/lirc.  You may have to create a symbolic link to /dev/lirc0 on your system.

But that's not all!  The names you chose (or are already in place) in /etc/lircd.conf, must match the names in the file. ~/.mythtv/lircrc.  If they don't all match, then only those that do match will work.  (Like say maybe, up, down, left, right, ....)  When the names don't match, the key doesn't work.  For example, one person might call the green key at the top "Power", another might call it "On", or "System", or whatever.  I had this problem for the green key, and it was hard to track down, but very easy to fix.

Please read any and all documentation for LIRC that you can, as well as the mailing list for LIRC.  The mailing list can be found on the LIRC website, lirc.org, but news.gmane.org has the archive and it's a bit easier to search there (on gmane).  Also please review your LIRC installation, control files, etc.  If you come up with what you think is a good installation but it still doesn't work, then post the details of the problem.  I'll try to help solve specific problems.


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