I'm not using FC4 x86_64 anymore (turns out that the
RPMs in ATrpms were borked at that time (and now I'm
on the SVN version anyway), but when I was (briefly)
using it, I started out with the same problems.

I took Jarod Wilson's xorg.conf file
and commented out the ModulePath and RgbPath lines. 
It was working, and I think (but can't say 100%, I
don't remember) that I had OpenGL Vsync working.

-- Joe

--- Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there anywhere that I can download a WORKING
> xorg.conf file for
> Fedora Core 4, x86_64?
> It seems that all the examples out there fubar xorg
> on my system. It
> ends up failing to find modules like bitmap and
> pcidata. When I start
> using configs for x86_64 I get "failed to load GLX"
> no matter what I
> do.
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