On Nov 26, 2005, at 7:15 AM, Kevin Kuphal wrote:

Thom Paine wrote:

If you want the best combination of redundancy and speed, use RAID
0+1. This will, however, only give you 600G of space, rather than the
900G RAID 5 gives you.

Raid 0+1 is two drives striped together (600G) and then mirrored on
the other two drives? Maybe I should get a cheap raid 5 card with 5 or
6 SATA ports on it for better performance?

I'd forget about RAID unless you simply *cannot* lose the data on the drives or you are doing *true* hardware RAID since software RAID can be a tricky proposition. I've gone back and forth with RAID and ended up not using it. I back up my DVD rips to dual- layer DVDs (most rips are Divx with AC3 tracks for space) which is cheap and does the job. Anything else I can lose since it's just TV. Best part, I get to use all the space I paid for rather than losing some to RAID.

Just my 2 cents.


In contrast to both these points, I'd suggest Raid 5 in stead of Raid 0+1. 0+1 is very fast, and I use it on my DB server at work to good effect, but you really don't need the speed for Myth. It's not really a high data rate application.

Also, even tho the data may not be totally indespensible, it is worth a two or three hundred bucks to me to not have to deal with dieing drives. I've had very good experiences with software raid on linux (I had a previous database running software raid 24/7 with hundreds of days of uptime), so I'd go with software raid if you have enough channels on your mobon and want to save some money. Hardware raid is better if you can afford it.

Peter Darley

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