
Ben Edwards wrote:
Firstly how come I cant delete programmes when I have filled up the
drive, how can I stop this happening in the future.
chris wrote:
The most likely answer is that since the drive was full, mysql was no
longer able to update the tables and mythtv couldn't append to the

Just to throw in my own experence. I setup my box with the / ext3 partition 10gigs (5gig free) and all my recordings into another reiserfs /video partition. When the video partition is completely full I also have problems where the frontend freezes when I attempt to delete a file. mysql, logs, and such are on /, so I don't think it's a database problem. To fix the problem I would mv a nuv file over to the / partition delete a recording and then move the nuv file back. I'll have to try the blank file trick though since it's quicker to rm and touch then move gig files between two partitions.

Don't forget that some filesystems reserve a lot of space for root's
exclusive use.

Not being much of a linux guy I didn't realize this and that would explain why my programs where not expiring. I did some quick googling without luck but is there a way to remove that reserve on my video partition, assuming it applies to reiserfs?

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