Brad Fuller wrote:

R. Geoffrey Newbury wrote:

On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 15:26:59 -0800, Brad Fuller wrote:

R. Geoffrey Newbury wrote:

On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 13:00:16 -0800, Brad Fuller wrote:

I now have no livetv. I checked recent recordings and there are no files of recent recordings. So, I assume that the tuner is not being recognized because of the HD3000 just placed in the pc.

I checked modprobe.conf and cx88-blackbird was installed above the ivtv driver automatically after the first reboot. So, I ran the "extras" from pcHDTV site which installed: cx88-atsc, cx88-dvb and cx88-risc in modprobe.conf.

I remember reading, and my setup, has the ivtv driver first (video0 and
video1), followed by whatever cx88* drivers.

thanks Geoff. I remember your msg and I tried that. That didn't seem to change anything. While I couldn't find anything that indicated what /dev the PVR-250 is, I went ahead and changed the HD3000 to video0 and the PVR-250 to video1. That worked. Now I have live TV.

I also changed the HD3000 to terrestrial input (physical RG6) and commented all of the cx88's except the cx88-atsc. Fooling around, I unplugged my antenna and plunged in the cable to the HD3000 (note, that I'm not even looking at the HD3000). I commented out all of the cx88 entries except cx88-atsc. That resulted in large blocks at the top of the picture that flashed.

Fooling around some more, I uncommented all except cx88-dvb in modprobe.conf and that seemed to get rid of the large B&W blocks.
Note again, that I'm only looking at the PVR-250 input.

There must be a connection between having cx88-atsc and ivtv. But, I don't know why that would be. With cx88-dvb and ivtv co-habitating, it doesn't seem to be the problem.

Now, I just need to know how I can get the HD3000 working. And, how I can view LiveTV with HD3000 with the PVR-250 in -- I don't even know if there is a way that you can pick which tuner to view live TV.

Also, I like to switch to terrestrial ATSC instead of cable at some point. Don't know how to do that -- I certainly don't want the B&W boxes back!

If you use cx88_dvb + blackbird, the card should show up at
If you use cx8800 the card would be (was for me, when I tried it) at
/dev/video2 (NTSC...) I haven't tried the cx88-atsc but I presume that it
could easily show up at /dev/video32..

hmmm... I'll try that.
Do you NEED to also load blackbird?
Where is cx8800 located?

The cx drivers and the ivtv drivers are connected by the fact that the
tveeprom driver has been merged from each stream, so that we use the same tveeprom module to query the hardware (through eeprom). In the past, these
two had the same name but were different. When the cx stuff got shifted
into the kernel the ivtv made changes  (pushed by an 'outsider' who did
the hack in September or October. This is the end of the thread...on the
ivtv list at gossamer threads

Re: Problems with tveeprom and SVN Remove Highlighting  [In reply to]
On Tuesday 04 October 2005 23:45, Keith C wrote:
On Oct 4, 2005, at 4:10 PM, Mercury Morris wrote:
On 9/23/05, Adam Forsyth <agforsyth[at]> wrote:
Well, I just gave up and am now using the tveeprom that came with my
kernel. But I'd still love to know what the cx88xx / cx8800 module is


kernel: cx88xx: disagrees about version of symbol

Yep, thats the one I was getting.

So, Googled for some help and found this thread. That's why I'm
posting this
reply. The previous posts (above) gave me the idea to swap
"tveeprom" modules, which is exactly what I did. I re-renamed the
".orig" back to normal,
renamed the ivtv version to have the suffix ".ivtv", issued a
"depmod -ae" command, and checked the results with a "modinfo
tveeprom" command.

Then I rebooted. This time no errors, no errors of any kind. The
PVR-350 card
works, the HD-3000 card works, and the remote (ATI Remote Wonder)
works, too!

You're lucky. Glad the kernel tveeprom works for you. I never could
get it to work with my card, so I had to make my own tveeprom module
that is a hybrid between the kernel and ivtv version. And is slowly
getting out of sync with both.


Can you mail me the kernel tveeprom.c? And also which kernel version it is exactly (version and from which distro, usually uname -a gives this info).


ivtv-devel mailing list

As I understand it, Hans is the 'main man' in ivtv. At any rate ivtv .5
came out shortly thereafter!

As to picking which tuner you want to use, really the only way is to set
up channel lineups which are mutually distinct: no duplicated channels.

Getting live tv on the HD3000 is apparently not a problem for OTA in
either ATSC or NTSC I understand. Getting live TV from QAM encrypted (but not scrambled) signals from cable is difficult but it can be done. Another
user in the Toronto area found out one way to do it, using a set-top box
from the cable co.

I haven't done  this as I have no antenna, but OTA is apparently quite
easy. Use the cx-dvb + cx8800 driver combo for NTSC. You can then rmmod + modprobe (by script!) to remove the drivers and change to cx-dvb + cx-atsc
for ATSC... At least that's what I glean from the list messages... Of
course, there are lots of skips and jumps in that!

This site has a good run-down on checking your setup.

I wanted to pass along that by using the method at I was able to capture good PIDs for ~/.azap/channels.conf w/o going thru the method proposed at the link from avsforum you provided above.

Thanks Geoff. I'm going to have to re-read and re-read this msg!
Fortunately, I have been able to gather my channels (using the dvb-apps from here: using the method on that page at this location: "Creating the Creating the $HOME/.azap/channels.conf"

I'm now able to use mplayer to view HD channels. I'm working on trying to view them in MythTv. Sounds like a lot of potential mistakes to be made to maually edit the mysql db for tuning.

thanks for the link. Yes! It's very helpful to hear others stories pick out issues that you've come across.


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