Thanks James. Oh wait, you aren't James. Guess I wasn't asking you.

On 11/30/05, David Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Linux – now what does this have to do with MythTV?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Trent Albright
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 3:24 PM

To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] I'm thinking of switching to windows :(


Yeah, thats exactly what I use Symantec Ghost for. What do you use?

On 11/30/05, James C. Dastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Just an off-topic tip:

My biannual Windows reinstall takes 5 minutes. Image a working
system up to your network, then image it down when you need to
rebuild. And if you use sysprep, then even any hardware changes
don't affect the image process. Or, put a sysprep'ed image on
a DVD and just image it to any computer - you never need to
see the installation again.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Michael T. Dean
Sent: Wed 11/30/2005 12:27 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] I'm thinking of switching to windows :(

And drivers, and ...  I always set aside a minimum of 8 hours for my
biannual (that's twice a year, not biennial--once every two years)
Windows re-install of my gaming system and I don't have to install any
apps on that system save the one game I'm playing at the time.

Not to mention the obviously-flawed Windows installer to which people
have grown so accustomed that they no longer seem to notice the flaws.
You start the Windows install, you format your disk, it copies files, it
reboots, and *then* it asks for the CD key.  Gee, thanks Microsoft, for
wiping my disk and preventing me from continuing to use my old OS before
you told me that some crook OEM sold me an unlicensed Windows CD with my
computer.  (OK, this one has never happened to me, but still...  That's
basically imposing the death sentence without judge and jury.)

So, the real flaw--that's always a problem--is the fact that there are
at least three different points during the install at which the entire
process comes to a complete stop waiting for user input.  I was helping
a Windows fan-boy install FC4 and after it asked all the information it
needed and started downloading packages, I said, "Oh, wait.  We have a
problem.  I know you really like Windows, and many apps for FC4 are
designed to work like those on Windows, but the installer doesn't.  It
won't stop 45 minutes from now asking for more information, so when we
come back, the install will be complete."

OK, not all Linux distros do their installers correctly, either--yes,
this means you Ubuntu--but come on...  Does Microsoft really expect me
to sit there in front of the installer reading their Windows XP ads for
45 minutes?  If so, you'd think they at least have enough ads that they
don't repeat throughout the install.

And I won't even get into the installer loading drivers for every
possible piece of hardware before the installer can begin.  (Ever hear
of auto-detection, MS?)


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