When we left our saga, I had promised to check out raising the priority of Tuner0 over that of S-Video0 to see if that resolved the issue, and report back. The answer is: "It does!"

What I >suspect< happens is that, just as the backend selects a /dev/videoN (i.e. capture card) from a number of /dev/videoNs of equal priority based on their order in the list of tuners (okay, not really, but bear with me for the sake of a brief explanation), it selects an input from all of the active inputs on a given /dev/videoN based on their order in the list of inputs presented in mythtvsetup.

If you have both S-Video0 and Tuner0 configured and operational, it will record from S-Video0 because it appears first in the list. However the "Input Preference" (actually, as someone else commented, "priority" would be a better term) overrides this, and the input with the higher priority takes precedence for recording (again, just as the /dev/videoN whose input has a higher preference is selected).

SO it appears that, if you want or need to have multiple inputs connected and configured on a single capture card, you can select one of the inputs for off-air recordings by raising its preference over other inputs on that capture card.

Again, this is all suspicion, as I haven't yet delved into the code, but based on my tests this evening, it seems to work.

Chris K.

David Watkins had the sense to say...

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:38:52 +0000
From: David Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Blank Recordings - please confirm
To: Discussion about mythtv <mythtv-users@mythtv.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I think your problem might be having the guide data on the SVideo
input.  Myth is going to think that it can use that channel for
recording (maybe the blank recordings are from the VCR while it was
turned off?).

If you only want to capture from VCR then you're better off with no
guide data and using manual recording.

If you want to use your VCR as a tuner then I think you'll need a
channel change script.  Even if you intend to set the VCR channel
manually I believe that a 'dummy' script that does nothing, but
returns successfully, is needed to convince myth that it has selected
the correct VCR channel.

As you say, you'll also need a way to disable recording on the SVideo
input when you haven't got the VCR turned on and tuned, and I don't
know how to do that, but increasing the priority of the tuner over the
S-Video should help.


I'm having an issue with blank recordings, and I wanted to confirm what I'm
finding by searching the archive (because I'm hoping that there is a
different answer available).

I have two inputs to a PVR-150 card connected, Tuner0 goes to my cable (no
cable box) and the S-Video input comes from our VCR.  Both are configured in
mythtvsetup, each with its own channel line-up.  The connection to the VCR
is primarily for pulling our home videos into Myth, but I was hoping to be
able to use the VCR as a second tuner, and be able to switch between two
channels by using "C" to change inputs.  (Yes, I know this would play hob
with the ringbuffer, so maybe it's a silly idea.)

Anyway, since I set up the S-video input, scheduled recordings have all been
blank.  The files are there, and I didn't see any problems in the logfiles
when I looked at them.  (Can't append them right now, as I'm nowhere near
the machine, and have no way of ssh-ing to it.)

Is it (still) true that you cannot have two different inputs configured in
mythtvsetup and record reliably?  I was wondering if this could be gotten
around by raising the priority of Tuner0.

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