On Wednesday 30 November 2005 08:25 pm, stephen wrote:
> > Yup - that's what I'm running.  Now if I can only figure out how to
> > get it to auto-login and startx automatically.
> I'm using evilwm for a window manager on gentoo, and used some info from
> this site to get the autologin working:
> http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue72/chung.html
> There's probably an easier way, but this worked great for me.

A simpler, yet arguably slightly more bloated route is to install gdm
and use its menu system to setup autologin for a particular account.
I did this with fluxbox as that account's window manager.  Then I
setup fluxbox to launch mythfrontend and everything is set.  Sure
there is some gtk and etc bloat but for a noob its much easier to
setup than messing with arcane stuff like inittab .xsession or
.xinitrc.  Plus, IMHO its less brittle than scriptifying it.  


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