On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Phill Edwards wrote:

> > I'd like to add external movies in different formats, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, etc.
> > to MythTV.
> > The same goes for mp3 and photos.
> > I couldn't find any documentation related to how can I do it.
> For music you need to use the MythMusic application. For photos you
> need MythGallery. For external movies it's MythVideo. Have a bit of a
> search around for these. There's probably not a huge amount of docco
> on them. I think most people just go into the apps and start playing
> with them to see how they work.

The problem with MythVideo is that you don't have a unified view anymore.
I.E. I may have the first season of Andy Griffith on DVD and also recode
them off TV. I want to be able to have it all in the same guide. Are their
any plans for a manual import that lets you start/stop recording on an
input and enter show info via the front end?
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