On 12/1/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I take care of two back end machine. One is here at my place, the
> other is remote. At the remote location mythbackend has stopped making
> recordings. When I run the frontend in a terminal I see this:
> 2005-12-01 09:29:28.705 ReadStringList timeout (quick).
> 2005-12-01 09:29:28.705 Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION:
> error querying master in ProgramList::FromScheduler
> 2005-12-01 09:30:13.320 Connecting to backend server:
> (try 1 of 5)
> 2005-12-01 09:30:33.328 ReadStringList timeout (quick).
> 2005-12-01 09:30:33.329 Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION:
> error resceduling id 77 in ScheduledRecording::signalChange
> 2005-12-01 09:30:33.333 Connecting to backend server:
>    Browsing around I found a common reason is a mixed frontend/backend
> setup. Mine are not. Both the fronend and backend are 0.18.1.
>    Mysql is version 4.0.25-r2 which was probably updated fairly
> recently on that machine, but my good machine runs the same version.
>    The machine is running a newish 2.6.14 kernel, ivtv-0.4.0 and I see
> these messages in dmesg:
> ivtv0 warning: ENC: REG_DMAXFER 2 wait failed
> ivtv0 warning: DEC: REG_ENCSG1LEN wait failed
>    I'm lost for concrete ideas at this point. I could rebuild MythTV,
> or the whole system I suppose. I could also possibly go back to an
> older kernel.
>    Looking for ideas.
> Thanks,
> Mark

After restarting mythbackend it's now filling the
/var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log file with this nonsense:

(repeated 100's or thousands of times!)

2005-12-01 09:55:43.312 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.324 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.336 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.348 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.360 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.372 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.384 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.396 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.408 waiting for a thread..
2005-12-01 09:55:43.420 waiting for a thread..


- Mark
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