I had a successful mythbox install....( using the
Slackware 9.1 instructions ) which was hacked a couple
of moths ago. I decided to rebuild, so I updated the
mainboard, processor, and memory.
The system now has a AMD 2600 Processor, 1 GB of RAM,
2 -  300Gb HD, and a WinTV PVR 350.

I the install is going smoothly up until I have to
test the video out. I get sound beautifully, but my
screen is washed out in green and purple. I am using
the comosite out since that worked last time.  I think
I can rule out the PVR driver, because I get perfect
video out through mplayer. I am not sure if it's the
cables, the TV or what. If anyone has had this problem
/and/or a fix let me know please.

I am documenting this process and will be making the
Slackware 10.0 MythTV  install directions available
shortly there after.

Joey Moe
mythtv-users mailing list

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