Brad Fuller wrote:

Joe Votour wrote:

If your board has the four holes surrounding the CPU
(which is apparently not required by AMD in Socket A
designs), then you can use one of the Zalman flower
designs.  When the fan is turned down to the lowest,
it's very quiet, and still does a good job of cooling.
(I use them in all of my PCs, including my socket 754
MythTV machine.)

I just put in a all copper Zalman on a socket 754. Much quieter than the stock. you probably could get by with the copper and aluminum mix. I think it was $20 cheaper at

I have three of the Zalman Cu/Al flowers right now - first one bought over two years ago IIRC. No problems whatsoever. At the speeds they are set at now, they cannot be heard over the Silverstone power supplies I've been using. There may be quieter fansinks out there but I haven't felt the need to improve on these.

Slightly off-topic, is anyone using a Seasonic power supply? I was reading some reviews and they sound promising. 80+ efficiency across all loads sounds like a really good idea for and media center machine. If they are as quiet as the reviewers claim, I'll probably switch.
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