On 12/2/05, Jeff Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was flipping channels last night and came across a program already
> showing. As I'm watching
> it, I think "this is really good, I want to record it!" so I hit record, and
> keep watching. While it's recording,
> I go on mythweb, look up the program, schedule a later recording to get the
> whole thing, go into the frontend,
> delete the current recording, go back to live TV to continue watching it.
> Seems complicated when all I wanted
> to do was make sure I recorded the full program if it was on later. So
> here's the idea that I came up with:
> Option A). Multiple record buttons, users can map whichever one they want to
> the actual red circle on the remote.
> The standard button will be the same, immediately start recording the
> current program. The "advanced" record button
> will work as follows:
> Option B). Advance Record button: when you hit record (and there is guide
> data), it will tell you what the current program is,
> how long it is, and how far in you are. It will give you these options:
> - Record Now
> - Find and record a later showing
> - Cancel
> Find and record a later showing would have some kind of feedback where it
> would let you know if the show is on again and if
> it can be recorded. If it can, it will be, and if not, it will let the user
> know and allow them to still immediate record.
> Thoughts?

How about a more general function of re-recording shows that are
shorter than the length found in the guide data, with the exception of
those under the LiveTV recording group. If you are watching LiveTV and
hit record it changes the recording group to Default (under current
svn).  After the recording is finished, the start and end times could
be compared to the times in the guide data (accounting for any pre and
post time settings) to determine if the entire show was recorded. If
not, it could be marked for re-record in a new column in the
recordedprograms table, which would be checked each time the scheduler
ran.  If the new recording is made, then the old recording would be

This would also work on shows that are split because of restarting the
backend, which is admittedly a fairly rare event but does happen.  It
also allows you to immediately get the rest of the recording that you
were interested in while watching LiveTV, while allowing it to be
re-recorded in full when it is on again, all without adding any
additional questions during the process.

Bob C
mythtv-users mailing list

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