Hey All,

  A little while back someone mentioned that you could use softvol to
create a volume control for S/PDIF output. I've been trying to make
this work.  I've got S/PDIF output working great (thanks to help from
reading this mailing list and a few sites found w/ google) however my
receiver is placed in side a thing that does not allow IR access to it
w/o opening it.  I'd like to set my receiver's volume at a certain
level for normal listening and then use softvol to adjust it down from
there when we want to lower it (IE, at night when others are sleeping
or whatever). Here is what I tried for my .asoundrc:

pcm.spdifvol {
 type softvol
 slave.pcm "spdif"
 control {
    name "SPDIF Playback Volume"
    card 0

but I'm not sure how to use this. Any ideas?


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