Thanks for your quick reply.

It turns out I was able to remove the hiss by adjusting the sampling rate in the settings--> recording profiles section to 48khz instead of 44.1khz, I stumbled upon this by mistake since, I was having trouble with mythtv after installing a second tuner card ... I nuked the database. After doing that it defaulted to 32khz and the hiss was not there, but there was a low rumbling sound.

Now a minor new problem is how to get mythtv to default to /dev/video1 as the default Live TV device.




On 12/3/05, Michael T. Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Valerian Mayega wrote:

>I have an annoying audio hiss on most channels during like tv. (Not
>all channels).
>I have a Hauppage WintVGo card, a Sound blaster 5.1 (which I bought
>becuase my on board sound card hissed also ... the new card did not
>fix the problem).
>Can someone point me in the right direction.
Most likely you have one (of the several) mixer volumes set to 100%.
Try lowering the volumes to 90% or below.  Note that volumes include
Master and PCM of your sound card, and there's a recording volume
specified in Myth setup for your profile.

As far as the SB goes, I think you'll find it was a nice (albeit
unnecessary) upgrade from the motherboard's sound.  :)

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